The sunset was nice but it smelt a little funky there
Wait, is the fridge going to fit through there !
I am starting to like this time of day!
In shock about how crisp our shadows are
One of my favorite music artists!
The signature unicorn blanket!
X marks the spot!
Mariah The Scientist, ANOTHER one of my favorite music artists !
Yeah I could definitely fit into these, its halloween day and no other stores have what i need!
The first rainbow I ever went through!
Twelve years old with one of my first celebrity crushes!
The beach where I broke up with my highschool boyfriend!
Luna my friends dog, completely obsessed with me!
sexiest, plumpiest burger bun I ever did see
Hold on!!!!!!!!!
Beach ceramics, oh yes please!
Yogurtland gone wrong for someone!
Before I knew I would see a rainbow that very day!
A sculpture or statue that scared the sh*t out of me!
Wood sculpture that I made !
Gibby poster for those low days !
The most intense celebrity crush I ever had